We considered .tv to be an obvious choice for our video based web site
http://www.travelguru.tv/ but several people have commented that they had not heard of it before.
.tv is actually the country code top level domain for the island nation of Tuvalu, a tiny dot in the South Pacific. Small it may be, but its government had the foresight in 2000 to contract lease its Internet domain name for $50 million in royalties over a 12-year period. The domain is currently operated by dotTV, a VeriSign company and the Tuvalu government owns 20% of the company. What you might call a nice little earner!

If you are interested to know more about Tuvalu their offical tourism website is
http://www.timelesstuvalu.com/ - and very nice it looks too!
Once you’ve heard of it, you’ll notice .tv websites are now quite commonplace but I guess there is still a natural tendency to think .com
I recently met the owner of another travel .tv enterprise
http://www.hotels.tv/ and we considered the idea of forming a “.tv” support group… any interest out there?